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GDPR Compliance

WooCommerce Extension and Zapier App

You can typically achieve General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance whilst using Zapier Integration for WooCommerce, and we have provided some information below to help get you started.

Zapier Integration consists of a WooCommerce plugin (installed on your website) and a Zapier App (hosted on, working together to connect WooCommerce to Zapier and Zapier to WooCommerce.


The Zapier Integration is a WordPress plugin, and to operate needs WordPress WooCommerce to be installed.

If you need GDPR compliance, you can usually achieve it with your WordPress installation. For reference see the Your Site and the GDPR page in, which can be adapted to self-hosted WordPress sites as well.


Here is WooCommerce site and data security FAQ for related settings, and you can read the compliance in their blog post.

We provide a snippet about the integration and Zapier service, that you can include in your privacy policy page. Go to your WordPress DashboardSide MenuSettingsPrivacy screen, and follow the Check out our guide link to access it.


You can find out Zapier’s GPR compliance information in their support documentation.

Third-Party Services Used in Your Zaps

You will also need to consider the GDPR implications of the third-party services that you use in your Zaps, as these may handle customer data and will need to be evaluated carefully.

The sole purpose of the Zapier Integration is to transfer data between services.

Please note that the above suggestions are not legal advice, and we strongly recommend consulting with a GDPR expert to help ensure that your store and business are GDPR compliant.