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Migration Guide to Zapier Integration for WooCommerce Version 2

Support Advisory: Version 1 Shutdown on 14 October 2024

For details on why it is necessary migrate from version 1 to version 2, please see the Support Advisory.

Zapier Integration for WooCommerce version 2 (released in April 2020) is a major update that includes a lot of requested new features and improvements to functionality. New triggers, support for actions, and more.

When upgrading from version 1 to version 2, it is necessary to manually migrate your existing Zaps and Zapier Feeds to the new method.

The New WooCommerce App on

Alongside the release of Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin version 2, the WooCommerce app on is updated as well.

To use this new app, you must be running the Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin version 2 (or newer).

Existing users will see that their existing Zaps now use a WooCommerce (legacy) app. These existing Zaps will work until 14 October 2024. However, if you edit an existing Zap, it will need to be migrated to the new WooCommerce app.

Any new Zaps must be created using the new WooCommerce app.

New Requirements

Version 2 of the Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin introduces the following new requirements:

Item New Requirement
PHP Version 7.4 or higher
(We recommend using the latest version)
WordPress Version 6.4 or higher
(We recommend using the latest version)
WooCommerce Version 8.3 or higher
(We recommend using the latest version)
WordPress Permalinks Pretty permalinks enabled 1
HTTPS Site needs to be accessible via https://
WooCommerce REST API Running and operational2

Before you can use version 2, you will need to ensure that your WooCommerce store meets these new requirements.

Please refer to the System Requirements chapter for full details.

Step 1: Update the Zapier Integration for WooCommerce Plugin to Version 2 (or Newer)

Before you can use the new WooCommerce app on, you need to update the Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin that is installed on your WooCommerce store.

You will need an active license for Zapier Integration for WooCommerce in order to update it to the latest version. If you don’t have an active license, you can purchase a new license.

Go to your WordPress Dashboard, then go to the Side MenuPlugins screen, then scroll to Zapier Integration for WooCommerce. Ensure that it shows Version 2 (or newer), and not a prior version.

If it shows an older version before 2, please go to the Side MenuDashboardUpdates screen, and then click the Check Again button. When Zapier Integration for WooCommerce shows in the pending plugin updates list, tick it and update it.

If Zapier Integration for WooCommerce 2 still doesn’t show in the list of available updates, please read this chapter which explains how to connect your account to your WooCommerce store to activate in-dashboard one-click updates.

Please ensure you have successfully updated to version 2 (or newer) before proceeding to the following steps.

Step 2: Migrating Legacy Feeds and Zaps

The following 13 steps need to be completed for every existing Legacy Feed/Zap

Migrating a Zap can be a complex process, so please read the following steps thoroughly before starting.

  1. Go to the Legacy Feeds page (WordPress Dashboard → Side Menu → WooCommerce → Zapier screen → Legacy Feeds tab) and choose a Legacy Feed in the list.
    Make a note of the Trigger that is being used for that Feed.
  2. See the Changes in Triggers table below, and locate your Trigger in the Old Trigger column.
    Make a note of the corresponding Resource and Trigger Rule that you will use in your new Zap.
  3. Go to and log in to view the list of Zaps that use the WooCommerce (Legacy) app.
  4. Find the Zap that corresponds to the Legacy Feed from the previous steps. It will be a Zap that uses the WooCommerce (Legacy) app. The Zap will be Off due to being turned off on 14 October 2024.
  5. Select the arrow on the right side of the Zap and choose View in Editor, then click Edit Zap.
  6. In Step 1 of your Zap:
    • Click on the 3 dots, then click Upgrade Version.
    • Click Change, search for WooCommerce and select the new WooCommerce app.
    • In the Choose Trigger Event dropdown, choose the appropriate Resource that you noted from Step 2 above.
    • Click Continue.
  7. In the Choose Account step, click on the Sign in to WooCommerce button to authenticate your Zapier account with your WooCommerce store.
    If you are already authenticated, you can choose the previously used authentication from the WooCommerce account dropdown menu instead.

    How to Authenticate

    See here for full instructions on how to authenticate your WooCommerce store with Zapier.

    If you encounter issues while authenticating, please refer to our Troubleshooting Authentication Errors documentation.

  8. In the Customize… section, choose the Trigger Rule that you noted from Step 2 above.

  9. In the Find Data Step, click the Test & Continue button to retrieve sample data from your WooCommerce store.
  10. You’re all done with Step 1 (the Trigger step) of your new Zap.
  11. Open the next Step in your Zap, and review the Customize screen and make any necessary changes where you are using WooCommerce data fields.

    Review the Data Field Changes and Data Field Definition tables to familiarise yourself with the available WooCommerce data fields.

    If your Zap has more than 2 Steps, repeat this for all remaining Steps in your Zap.

    Experiencing a Problem?

    Go back to Step 9 and get more samples from WooCommerce by clicking the Get More Samples button. Don’t forget to choose one of the provided samples to successfully update the field definitions and sample data.

  12. After you have tested your Zap and everything is working as expected, be sure to turn your Zap back on by publishing it.

  13. Return to your Legacy Feeds screen in WordPress and delete (trash) the Legacy Feed you chose in Step 1. i.e. delete the Legacy Feed you just migrated.

Be sure to repeat steps 1-13 above for all of your Legacy Feeds.

After migrating all of your Legacy Feeds, you should have no more active Legacy Feeds showing in WordPress.

Return to your Legacy Feeds screen in WordPress and click on the Trash filter and the Empty Trash button to permanently remove all Legacy Feeds.

You will then see a Congratulations message in your WordPress dashboard. Click the OK button to complete the migration process.

You can now explore the new features in Zapier Integration for WooCommerce version 2, including incoming Actions and Searches.

Changes in Triggers

Here is the mapping of the old trigger names to the new Resources and Trigger Rules. Complete lists of available Resources and Trigger Rules are also available.

Old Trigger Resource Trigger Rule
New Order Order Order paid
(see the New “Order created” Trigger chapter below)
New Order Status Change Order Order status changed (any status)
New Line Item in Order Line Item in an Order3 Order paid
New Customer Customer Customer created
Subscription Created Subscription Subscription created4
Subscription Renewed Subscription Subscription renewed4
Subscription Renewal Failed Subscription Subscription renewal failed4
Subscription Status Changed Subscription Subscription status changed (any status)4

The 8 original triggers are now called Trigger Rules, and there are now more than 70 of them.

For full details on these new trigger rules, please see the following:

If you want, you may wish to switch to a better suited trigger rule when migrating.

New “Order created” Trigger

In version 2 of Zapier Integration for WooCommerce, we renamed the New Order trigger to Order paid. The new name better describes the trigger event.

Alongside with a naming changes, we are introducing a new trigger rule, called Order created. This new trigger rule will fire every time when an order is received (including both paid and unpaid orders) in WooCommerce.

If you were using the New Order trigger in your WooCommerce (Legacy) Zap, consider switching to the new Order created trigger rule if your main focus is when an order is created. Alternatively, if you would like your new Zap to only act for paid orders, then use the Order paid trigger rule.

Please see the Order Trigger Rules chapter for more details.

In the past, for users who are using an offline (deferred) payment methods, we recommended using the New Order Status Change trigger with a filter set to status = on-hold. This is no longer the recommended approach.

Instead, we recommend using the new Order status changed to On hold trigger rule, which fires whenever an order changes status to On Hold.

Plugin Interface Changes

The Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin user interface inside WordPress is completely redesigned in version 2.

Please refer to this table below for details. You can click on the new names to see the corresponding part of the User Guide, and see where the interface is located in your WordPress Dashboard.

Old Name New Name Notes
Zapier Feeds Legacy Feeds You are no longer able to create a new Feed after updating to version 2.
Order Notes Resource History Supports every resource, except Customer.
Status Screen Status Screen Zapier information extended and grouped towards the bottom of the screen.
Logs Logs No changes.
N/A Task History A new interface to monitor all extension tasks.

When you delete your last Legacy Feed and empty the trash, the Legacy Feeds tab will disappear from WooCommerce and will no longer be accessible.

Resource History box replaces Order Notes

For new integrations, the Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin no longer adds Zapier related information to the Order Notes section.

Instead, the activity is displayed in the Zapier Integration History box at the bottom of the view/edit order screen. In fact, every Resource (except customers) has a WooCommerce Zapier History block.

Your existing Order/Subscription Notes are not affected, and they stay intact in your Order screen.

Plugin Notice After Update

After updating the Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin to version 2, you will be prompted with the following message:

Migration Notice

If you want to start migrating to the new connection, please follow the instructions Migrating Legacy Feeds and Zaps.

This notice cannot be dismissed or hidden until you have completed the migration process.

Before migrating your Zaps, we strongly advise that you refer to the Migrating Legacy Feeds chapter above

Data Field Changes

The new data field definitions in version 2 are based on the already established WooCommerce REST API that was built by the WooCommerce core team.

Most field names are the same or very similar, however, there are some differences and changes in fields for users migrating to the new integration. There are also several fields that are no longer available.

The field definitions are retrieved dynamically from your WooCommerce store, based on the used software versions and installed plugins. For a full list of available data fields, please refer to the relevant Data Field Definitions below:

Here are the most important changes in trigger data fields:

RESOURCE Old Name New Name
Line Item in an Order3 line_item_meta line_meta_data
Line Item in an Order order_cart_discount order_discount_total
Order line_itemitem_meta line_itemmeta_data
Order item_count Not available in version 2 by default.
See a solution in the Add “Line Items Count” Field to an Order chapter.
Order line_itemcategories Not available in version 2 by default.
See here for a solution.
Order line_itemtags Not available in version 2 by default.
See here for a solution.
Order status_previous Not available in version 2.
Order4 subscription_id
When this field present, the subscription is renewal and the value is the subscription ID.
Subscription4 cart_discount discount_total
Subscription4 line_itemitem_meta line_itemitem_meta
See here for a solution to expand meta data into individual fields.
Subscription4 status_previous Not available in version 2.

Meta Data Changes

Zapier Integration for WooCommerce version 2 uses a different format for the metadata fields, as it is based on the already established WooCommerce REST API, which uses objects for each meta data item (rather than simple key/values).

You can still access 1.x version compatible key/value fields. See the Meta Data (Custom Fields) chapter for information.

Country Codes vs Country Names

In Zapier Integration for WooCommerce version 2, the Order billing country and shipping country fields are in an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format because this is the format that WooCommerce’s REST API uses.

In most use cases, the receiving (action) app uses a 2-letter country code also. However, if you need to convert the country code to a full country name, then you could:

  1. Add a new step (step 2) to your Zap, choosing Google Sheets as the App and “Lookup Spreadsheet Row” as the action.
  2. Create a new Google Sheet that contains 2 columns, one for the country code and one for the country name (perhaps based on the table here).

So your Zap would be WooCommerce as the Trigger, then step 2 is a Google Sheets “Lookup Spreadsheet Row” step to retrieve the full country name, and then step 3 in your Zap is your App of your choice which uses the WooCommerce order data from step 1, but the Country Name from Step 2.

Order Line Item Product Categories and Tags Data Fields

If your Legacy Zaps make use of the line_itemcategories or line_itemtags data fields for orders, you will need to follow these steps to add a Find Product step to your Zap in order to access the categoriesname or tagsname data fields.

Add “Line Items Count” Field to an Order

  1. Add a Code by Zapier step to your Zap and choose Run Javascript for the Event Action.
  2. Define lineItemIDs by choosing the 1. Line Items ID in the Input Data section.
  3. Copy the code snippet below and paste it into the Code section.
// Define "lineItemIDs" in the Input Data section.
// Get the number of line items.
return { line_items_count: inputData.lineItemIDs.split(',').length };

The step should look like this:

Line Items Count Code settings

The result would show in the subsequent steps like this:

Line Items Count result

WooCommerce Zapier Integration Debugger

The Debugger plugin is no longer required because changing the log level is now included in version 2.

After updating to Zapier Integration for WooCommerce version 2, please go to your WordPress DashboardSide MenuPlugins, and look for the WooCommerce Zapier Integration Debugger plugin. If you have it installed, please deactivate and delete it.

Refer to the Plugin Settings chapter for details on how to enable detailed logging if you require it.

  1. See the WooCommerce REST API documentation for details on how to verify that your REST API is working correctly. 

  2. Only available as a trigger. 

  3. Only available if the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is installed.