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v2.2 WooCommerce Bookings

The Booking resource represents a booked timeslot, as described in the WooCommerce Bookings plugin. See the Bookings documentation for more details.

Please see the Product chapter for information about the Bookable product.

Please see the announcement post for some examples of how you could use WooCommerce Booking data in your Zaps.

Trigger Rules

The following trigger rules are available to trigger your Zaps when booking data in your WooCommerce store is added, changed or deleted.

Booking cancelled

Triggers when a booking is cancelled. Either by the customer, an administrator or automatically if the order is not finished.

Booking created

Triggers when a booking is first created.

The Booking created trigger rule will trigger when a customer adds a bookable product to their cart, before they proceed to the checkout to complete and pay for their order.

If you would like to trigger your Zap only when you receive a paid booking, then consider using the Booking ordered trigger rule instead.

Booking deleted

Triggers when a booking is deleted (trashed).

Due to limitations in how WooCommerce handles deleted events, only the ID of the deleted resource is sent to Zapier when using this trigger rule. No other data fields are available.

Booking ordered

Triggers when an order is placed containing a booking, which is the same time that the Order created trigger rule.

Booking restored

Triggers when an already trashed booking is restored from the trash.

Booking status changed


Booking statuses are an important part of the booking processing and fulfilment flow in WooCommerce.

More details on the booking status life cycle in WooCommerce can be found in the WooCommerce Bookings documentation.

The Booking status changed (any status) trigger rule will trigger every time a booking changes status to any status, including when a booking is first created.

If you are interested in specific status change(s) only, you may wish to use a more specific Booking status changed to … trigger rule.

Below is a full list of Booking status changed trigger rules:

  • Booking status changed (any status)
  • Booking status changed to Cancelled
  • Booking status changed to Complete
  • Booking status changed to Confirmed
  • Booking status changed to In Cart
  • Booking status changed to Paid
  • Booking status changed to Pending Confirmation

Zapier Integration for WooCommerce version 2.4 renamed Booking status changed to Booking status changed (any status) to make it more clear that this trigger rule will trigger for any status change.

Booking updated

Triggers when a booking is updated/edited/changed/modified, including any status change.

Actions and Searches

Not available for the Booking resource

Booking Data

Id integer Unique identifier for the resource
All Day boolean A boolean describing if the booking is for an entire day.
Cost string Total booking cost.
Customer Id integer ID of customer that purchased the booking.
Date Created date-time The time the booking was created.
Date Modified date-time The time the booking was last updated.
Date End date-time The end time of the booking.
Google Calendar Event Id string A unique ID of a synced booking event to Google Calendar.
Order Id integer The order ID linked to the booking.
Order Item Id integer The unique order line item ID of the booking.
Parent Id integer The unique item ID of the parent post.
Person Counts array The number of persons by person type within the booking.
Product Id integer The unique product ID linked to the booking.
Resource Id integer The unique resource ID linked to the booking.
Date Start date-time The start time of the booking.
Status string The current status of the booking.
Local Timezone string The local timezone used when the booking was purchased.
Data Fields May Differ in Your WooCommerce Store

Zapier Integration for WooCommerce utilises WooCommerce’s REST API. Data field names, descriptions, and values can vary from one WooCommerce store to another.

Your store’s data, fields, and trigger rules may differ from this documentation due to any of the following:

  • WordPress versions and the locale/language used.
  • Your WooCommerce versions and the features enabled.
  • Your active WordPress plugins and WooCommerce extensions.
  • Any custom code that overrides or changes how the WooCommerce/WordPress REST API operates.

Note: The field definitions are generated using the following settings:

  • WordPress v6.7 with the en_US locale.
  • WooCommerce v9.6 with tax and coupon functionality enabled.
  • The WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Memberships, and WooCommerce Subscriptions plugins were active.