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How to Contact Us

You can reach our support team by submitting a support request on the website.

Please note: You must have an active subscription to Zapier Integration for WooCommerce plugin to contact us.

Steps to Submit a Support Request

  1. Visit the support page, and log in with your account.
  2. Select the following options from the dropdown menus:
    • What do you need help with? : Technical support
    • Product: Zapier Integration
  3. In the Tell us how we can help you section, please include:
    • The email address of your user account.
    • A detailed description of your query.
    • The error message(s) that you are receiving (if applicable).

Our Response Time

Once you submit your request, it will be sent directly to us. We respond during Australian business hours:

  • Days: Monday to Friday
  • Hours: 9 am to 5 pm (GMT +8)

We aim to reply within 1-2 business days.